French M2- Standard

Bonjour chers parents et élèves,

Voici le manuel que nous allons utiliser cette année:This is the book we are using this school year: Adosphère 2 
M2 - standard's book

French M2/6 standard

Monsieur Patrick Marinucci
Tel: (212) 584-3009

School, house, food & beverages, television, humanitarian aid, health and emergencies, jobs & workplace, weather & seasons, the solar system and space.

Students will be able to
  • Interview a classmate or an adult  
  • Write a poem
  • Tell an adventure
  • Write an article about a television or movie star
  • Present a weather report

Assessments & Grading
Semester grades are determined on the basis of:                                                    
·       ¼ Unit quizzes, daily oral work                      
·       ¼ Class & Homework, effort & attitude         
·       ¼ Unit Exams & long-term projects                
·       ¼ Internal Assessments                                

Useful websites:
Le point du fle
Languages online

Devoirs / Homework:

Sept. 5: affiche/poster sur les raisons d'apprendre le français
Sept. 9: Cahier d'activités (CA) p.5
Sept. 16: CA p.6
Sept. 17: Write three questions to a famous person using questions words such as : pourquoi, comment. où, que/qu' (quoi), quand
Sept.  25: Quiz on verbs prendre, apprendre, comprendre.  Click here to practice.

Use this digital dice website to play the game on page 20.

La classe de M2 standard
Sept. 30: Using the class picture, write down a short description of each of your classmates.  Adjectives are on p. 19.  You can also find your own adjectives with the help of the following online dictionaries:
Reverso English-French dictionary

Unit test Module 1: Monday, October 7, 2013

**** check your e-mail for the review sheet****

Devoirs / Homework: 

Oct, 9 2013: p. 26-27 in Adosphère textbook # 3-4

To practice vocabulary on housing and furniture go to le point du fle website.  Scroll down to the section "À la maison : Le logement, les pièces de la maison, le mobilier".

Thursday, October 17: QUIZ on housing and space location vocabulary.  Check your e-mail for the review sheet and/or review p. 27 & 111 of your textbook.

Friday, November 8: Unit test on Module 2.

Join QUIZLET by clicking on the link.

To practice il/elle est vs c'est click here

Homework due on Thursday, November 21:  Cahier d'activités p. 19 #2
- Practice vocabulary of Module 3 with Quizlet.

Study "Les Collections" vocabulary on quizlet.  Short quiz on Monday, December 2nd.

COD Pronouns

Click on this link to complete the exercises.
This other link will help you with the negative form.

Class of Monday, December 16
Click on the lick to complete your grocery list
Complete your menu at the restaurant.
Listen and click on all the quantity expressions you hear.
Study vocabulary.

UNIT TEST on Module 4: Friday, January 24, 2014
Review  Module 4, p.49-60 of Adosphère 2.
Take time to complete your exercises review sheet.

Fort Boyard

Click here to watch a short video about Fort Boyard.

Fill in the questionnaire in class.

Le passé composé
Click here to view the list of verbs conjugated with "l'auxiliaire être".
This link also gives you the "auxiliaire être" list.

Le petit Prince

Assignment in class week of May 5-9, 2014
Les valeurs du Petit Prince

« Les valeurs du Petit Prince sont-elles des valeurs universelles aujourd’hui ? »

‘‘Are the values of The Little Prince still universal values today?”

Let your inspiration and creativity guide you in bringing your dreams to life. Send
your story or drawing by 5 June 2014, World Environment Day. Awards will be announced at the United Nations Headquarters in September, 2014 as part of the International Day of Peace commemoration.

The contest is open to participants between the ages of 5 and 18. Three awards will be given for each age category (5-8, 9-12, 13-15, and 16-18) and the winning submissions will be posted on a United Nations website. We ask that you please include your first name, last name, date of birth, and e-mail address. All drawings must be digitized and text submissions in French must not exceed 500 words. Participants retain ownership rights for their drawings or text, but by participating in the contest, they agree to give the United Nations the exclusive, irrevocable right to use the contents of their submission, fully or partially, without compensation. Winners must provide proof of their date of birth.

Les valeurs du Petit Prince d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry sont:

o   La Paix (Peace)
o   L’Amitié & la solidarité (Friendship & solidarity)
o   La diversité culturelle et le multilinguisme (Cultural diversity & multilingualism)
o   L’Éducation & la lecture (education & literacy)
o   La santé & l’action humanitaire (Health & humanitarian action)
o   Le voyage & la découverte de l’autre (Traveling & discovering others)
***For more details, see the documents sent by e-mail.

Please note that the re-do test on Module 6 will be on Thursday, May 29 , instead of Tuesday, May 27.